Kagi has no ads and is fully supported only by its users. We worked very hard to provide high quality, fast and tracking-free results at a minimum cost to ensure sustainability of our operation. By choosing a paid Kagi plan, you are also helping accelerate our mission of humanizing the web.
Kagi also introduced fair pricing - when you don't use Kagi in a given month, we automatically credit your account for that month's fee.
100 Searches to try
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  • Ad based search engines make almost $300 a year off their users. Explore what search built with your best interest in mind looks like

    Google generated $76 billion in US ad revenue in 2023 [1]. Google had 274 million unique visitors in the US as of February 2023 [2].

    To estimate the revenue per user, we can divide the 2023 US ad revenue by the 2023 number of users: $76 billion / 274 million = $277 revenue per user in the US.

    [1] U.S. Google ad revenue
    [2] Google - Statistics & Facts

  • Upgrade to a Kagi membership when you are ready
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$54 /yr
3600 searches per year
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$270 /yr
Unlimited Search + Assistant
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  • Complete knowledge solution including Assistant - powered by the world's leading models, grounded in Kagi Search
  • Highest level support for Kagi's mission
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Why should I pay for search?

You're already paying with your time and attention to advertisers who manipulate your search results, waste your time, and exploit your privacy. Pay with your wallet instead of your life, and get pure, powerful search that works for you - not advertisers. Read more.

What are the limitations of the Trial plan?
Trial plan has a limit of 100 searches and 10 interactions with Kagi AI tools. You will still be able to try all of Kagi's features.
What happens if I don’t use any searches?
In months where you don't utilize any searches on your plan, we will automatically apply a full credit to your account. This credit will be applied to your next billing cycle, effectively covering your subsequent month's subscription at no additional cost.
Can I upgrade or downgrade at any time?
Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade whenever suits you and your unused balance will be pro-rated and applied to your new plan.
Can I pay with PayPal or OpenNode/Bitcoin?
Kagi supports alternative payment methods like PayPal or OpenNode, which is a Bitcoin payment processor. These payment methods will not create a subscription and can be used to top off your account with credits, which will then be used to fund your Kagi membership.
Tell me more!

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