
Universal Summarizer is a state of the art content summarization product built by Kagi. What sets it apart is that it is capable of summarazing almost any type of content (text, PDF, video, audio, doc...) and of any length (most LLMs have a token limit, which Universal Summarizer does not), and all this in real time.

Using Universal Summarizer is free when you use it as a web app if you are logged in with your Kagi member account. You can also use Universal Summarizer through Kagi Search for Chrome and Firefox browser extension.

For use in your projects, including using a more powerful version of the Summarizer, please refer to the API section.


per 1,000 tokens
per 1,000 tokens
* for Kagi Ultimate plan users

Universal Summarizer API pricing is $0.03 per 1,000 tokens, which is roughly equivalent to 750 words. This entire page has ~540 words, which means it would cost $1 to summarize ~50 pages like this (or 2 cents per page). There is a billing cap of 10,000 tokens, which means that the maximum cost to summarize a document is $0.30, regardless of the length of the document.

To use the stand-alone web app, you will need a Kagi account. You can create a free account which will allow you to try both Universal Summarizer (limited to 10 summaries) and Kagi Search.

We also offer our enterprise-grade summarization engine, Muriel. Muriel features unprecedented quality summaries and a fixed cost of summarization of $1/summary, regardless of the length of the document.

Muriel is ideal for newsrooms, legal teams, research, and other activities where fast access to high-quality summaries is imperative. See the difference here.


  • Tokens include all tokens processed in + out. 100 tokens is roughly equal to 75 words.
  • Any request over 10,000 tokens is billed as 10,000 tokens maximum, regardless of the length of the document.
  • Accessing cached summaries of the same URL is always free.
  • Get in touch at support@kagi.com.


Q. Why use Universal Summarizer over an LLM?
A. The comparison between a Universal Summarizer and a typical LLM is not entirely appropriate, as these tools serve different purposes. While an LLM can summarize text provided to it, it lacks the functionality to process information from various sources such as content directly from URLs.

The Universal Summarizer, on the other hand, offers a comprehensive infrastructure that enables it to extract, parse, and process content from web pages, PDFs, and even YouTube videos. It can even transcribe and summarize audio files in real-time, providing users with a seamless and convenient experience.

Furthermore, the Universal Summarizer's ability to handle an unlimited number of tokens sets it apart from most LLMs currently available. In summary, the Universal Summarizer offers a more versatile and powerful solution for summarizing and processing information across multiple formats and sources.

Q. How does Universal Summarizer compare to GPT4?
A. Comparing Universal Summarizer to GPT-4 highlights some key differences in their capabilities and cost-effectiveness. While GPT-4 can indeed summarize a larger number of tokens than GPT-3.x (up to 32,000 tokens), the Universal Summarizer surpasses this limitation, capable of summarizing documents containing 50,000 or even 200,000 tokens.

In terms of cost and efficiency, the Universal Summarizer stands out as both a more affordable and faster option. Summarizing 32,000 tokens using GPT-4 would cost $1.92 (32,000 x $0.06), whereas the same task would cost only $0.30 (10,000 x $0.03) with the Universal Summarizer. This is due to the 10,000 billable tokens limit, ensuring that no summary ever exceeds a $0.30 charge.

The Universal Summarizer offers greater flexibility in handling token limits and provides a more cost-effective and efficient solution compared to GPT-4.

Q. Do you have an enterprise-grade offering?
A. Yes. We also offer Muriel, our enterprise-grade summarization engine, for businesses. Muriel features unprecedented quality summaries and a fixed cost of summarization of $1/summary, regardless of the length of the document.

Muriel is ideal for newsrooms, legal teams, research, and other activities where fast access to high-quality summaries is imperative. See the difference here.

Contact Vladimir Prelovac at vlad@kagi.com for more information.