No ads. No tracking. No compromise. Just deep, powerful search.
Remember when search gave you answers instead of ads? We do too. With Kagi, this is possible again.
When you choose Kagi, you're not just buying a service. You are choosing a future where your privacy matters, your time is valued, and your search results serve you - not advertisers.
Tired of fighting algorithms? Now YOU decide what shows up in your results. Boost what you love. Banish what you don't. Simple as that.
Want developer answers? Recipe ideas? Academic research? One click focuses your entire search experience. It's like having a dozen specialized search engines at your command.
Lightning fast. Ruthlessly private. 100% native. With the power of web extensions and zero bloat.
For those who remember when browsers served users, not advertisers.
Orion+: Own your browsing experience. Support the revolution. Windows/Linux/Android planned.
Join thousands of pioneers who refuse to settle for a broken internet. The revolution needs you.
We envision a friendly internet worthy of human potential - where exploration leads to discovery, not distraction, where knowledge flows freely, unbound by algorithms or advertising.
Our mission is to humanize the web. To return the web to its rightful owners: the people who use it, we're building tools that serve humans first, creating an ethical, and truly personal internet.
We are driven by the purpose to inform and educate and unlock the true promise of the digital age: universal access to human knowledge, delivered with clarity and protected with integrity.